Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't Regret Doing Good

a Title in this article may be a little strange ... don't regret doing good? Is not usually regret only done by some people reply mistakes / crimes? While some people doing good, often even rejoice because it was useful and help others?

It is true, and IN GENERAL ARE OFTEN WE SEE, conducted by some people regrets reply mistakes / crimes. However, some recent time, I see too many stories from my friends, as well as from the 'blogwalking' to a few blogs (just stop by, but not much to comment) wrote the content they're sorry for having done well, namely to help others.

For example there is regretful because it gives money to beggars, a beggar wrote it is actually drama. There is also regretful that contribute to the construction of the mosque committee, wrote it was suspected the mosque's building committee to use the money more donations for personal gain. There is also regretful because the 'wrong' to give money to donate ... originally he intended to give small change (500 or 1000AN), but was let-in 5000 instead of money. There's even regretful help others get a job, because it turned out after the person is successful in fact hurt her. And many of their core cerita2 reply sorry for being good. * blog address and principal regret is not shown, to avoid libel and ghibah *

Maybe you also have experienced the same thing, sorry for being well ... maybe you have a separate story about this.

Brothers and sisters ... I just wanted to remind and awaken and inspire you-you all ... PLEASE DO NOT DO REGRET FOR GOOD.

Be assured, Alloh SWT will always record and account for any good you do reply, as well as crime yg (perhaps ever) you do. You are not sure that virtue will be counted and recorded by Alloh SWT? Let us note surah Al Anbiya (21): 47, "We will install the appropriate scales on the Day of Resurrection, then the injured person Nor the slightest. And if (the practice) only a mustard seed weigh too must we bring (to account). And enough are We to take account. "

Notice also the letter of Luqman (31): 16, "(Luqman said):" O my son, indeed if there is (a deed) weighing a mustard seed, and are in stone or in heaven or in earth, Allah will bring it (membalasinya) . Verily Allah is the Subtle, the Knower. "

Paragraph in the letter is slightly different Luqman verse dg on Al Anbiya. If in (21): 47 jelas2 PAHALA written, wrote that VIRTUES, then in (31): 16 ... broader meaning will be given a good return on good or evil deeds.

Thus, DO NOT DO REGRET FOR GOOD, because the virtues reply you made (if based on sincere intentions, the only hope ridho Alloh SWT) Alloh willing, will be recorded by him and be accounted for in the hereafter. While the crime / reply yg evils committed by people receiving your kindness, it means he also has 'requested' Alloh SWT to record and take them into account in future doomsday.

If my brother was sorry for being good, then the value of your reward levels will be reduced, because "keikhlasannya" already declining. Do-do good-hearted, he will not care about his debts, returns service, will not even care dg yg evil befall him.

Rasululloh SAW himself was pointed out, that there is a neighbor of his, wrote infidels, always throwing dirt and disturb him with deeds reply unpleasant. However, when she was sick, just reply Rasululloh SAW first visit. Finally it became Muslim neighbors because impressed dg yg virtues he exemplified.

Examples of SAW own Rasululloh MORE just amazing. He did not disturb these pagan neighbors, and even provoked and diagitasi instead. However, it Rasululloh SAW dg return evil virtues.

So, my brothers, let us (more) often do well ... and DO NOT regret for every good deed we do reply. * This invitation also applies to the author *

Hopefully in the future, we can better and more useful for people (more) much more.

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